Help Us Forsake Sin - A Prayer


All of us here have issues - sin issues. Some struggle with sexual sins. Some struggle with prideful hearts. Some greed. Some lies.

But we all dishonor your name God. None of us are as righteous as we should be in response to Your goodness. Lord, we ask for eyes to see our sinfulness as it is. Not just bad or troubling, but broken affections towards you. Rebellious hearts that care more about ourselves than you.

We confess that our sins are actually mistrust in you. We believe we know better than you. Forgive us, Father, we do not know better than you.

We ask, in your goodness, that you would grow our affections for you. Help us say, with meaning, "I love you". For the son or daughter who loves you will forsake sin, not only because they have greater self-control, but most importantly, because they love you more than sin. And we can only love you after we first recognize your deep love for us. Our love is not an attempt to gain your affections, but a response towards your affections. Which you so lavishly showed us through your son, Jesus, and his sacrificial death on the cross.

Do that great work in us. Help us not look to our own strength and power, but yours. Remind us how needy we are. Let us not fool ourselves thinking we are self-sufficient in this pursuit of you.
