John 21 | Peace


December 25th, John 21

As we come to the last chapter of the Gospel of John, we see the culmination of what believing in Jesus leads us into. Remember, John has used the word believe around 98 times in his book. He’s trying to help us grow in our belief and trust of God through what we see of Him.

And all of that is culminating in restored relationship and following.

Restored Relationship

Imagine you are the disciples. You’ve all left Jesus in His hour of greatest need and Peter even denied Him. They thought it was all over and some commentators say that they went fishing in this chapter because they were “returning to their old way of life” before Jesus had called them.

They had walked so closely with Jesus for three years and then everything got splintered. If He was to come back… how would he respond to their lack of faith? Their doubts? Their denials?

Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” Now none of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord.

-John 21:12

I remember the first time I read this, I was astounded. Jesus ends his time with the disciples at the last supper, fellowshipping around food. And now, here is Jesus restoring his fellowship with these men, even Peter. Do you believe that Jesus longs to have fellowship with you? The type of fellowship you have with a friend. Communication. Intimacy. Trust. Belief.

If Jesus restores these men, you are never beyond the ability to have restored relationship with Jesus, no matter what you’ve done.


After breakfast, Jesus spends time with Peter, the one who had denied him. And for the three denials, Jesus asks him “do you love me?”. As if to say “that betrayal doesn’t have to define you”.

How freeing restored relationship is with Jesus - and then we see in verse 19. “Follow me”.

Such simple words that extend to us. From restored relationship, if Jesus truly is who He says He is. If He did what the Gospels tell us. If He is the son of God, why would we not follow Him? To follow Him means to be His disciple too. To learn from Him. To sit under his teaching. To obey His ways. So when He says “think of your sexual ethic this way…” we believe He knows what is best for us. When he says “this is how you ought to pray…” we apply that truth to our lives because we know communication with God is important.

If you read the Gospel of John and at the end do not follow Jesus. Meaning, do not trust Him. Do not submit yourself to His teachings. Do not seek to know Him. Do not seek to worship Him. You’ve missed the whole point of the Gospel.

Because if you believe, you will follow.

The End

If Jesus is all that He claims to be, there is truly nothing else in this life that we could follow that would satisfy our hearts. Lay down anything that hinders your pursuit of following Him.

As I reflect on this final chapter, I am reminded that I have not lived a perfect life, I’ve made many mistakes in my years as a Christian. But I continually am thankful for these two truths. Jesus, because of His sacrifice for me, offers restored relationship. And a new day to follow Him. I love Jesus and am thankful for His unending grace.

Merry Christmas friends, may we follow our King and become more aware of His love for us,
