My Prayer Life


Lately, I’ve been aware that my prayer life has grown quite cold if I am honest.

A text that convicted me this week was something I read Monday morning, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 5:3) How did this text help me pray?

The poor in spirit… those who are aware of their inadequacy. Those who are needy. Those who realize that they need a superior strength than their own from God. Need creates a type of posture before God that self-sufficiency doesn’t.

If I fully believe in my own spiritual weakness apart from God, that will change how I pray, won’t it? If I’m acutely aware of my need, my mornings will start with pleading for God to provide for me that day. It will mean I will pray on my commutes more, or short little prayers during work for grace and patience, or longer prayers before bed because I know tomorrow will be hard. Or the moment temptation hits, I sprint to prayer. Or when I feel lonely, I turn to prayer.

Why are the poor in spirit blessed? Because when we are aware of our need, it drives us to the one who provides. And that is a blessing. Because He provides for our requests and He provides himself in fellowship, which is truly the gift of prayer.

How can you grow in your prayer life? Small shifts change long-term trajectories.

Learning to pray with you,


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