A Night Drive


If you live in the south part of America, you know that on random roads you can come across little wooden signs nailed into a tree. They usually have short little sayings: “Jesus Saves” or something of the like.

I used to think they were silly and a waste of time. Who would ever be helped or saved by those? I would think.

I remember one evening in my college years, I was driving late one night. It had been a difficult week. The pressure of church responsibilities, the weight of temptations, and the burden of school all seemed too much. I remember praying on that drive, feeling at the end of my rope.

Then I drove by it.

A wooden sign nailed to a tree.

“Jesus Hasn’t Left You”.

I began to get tears in my eyes.

What I had mocked, had provided me hope.

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise… so that no one may boast in His presence.

-1st Cor. 1:27-29

Do you feel at the end of your rope tonight? Maybe this article could be your sign nailed onto the tree.

Jesus Hasn’t Left You.