Encouragement After A Bad Sermon
Here is some practical encouragement if your last sermon wasn’t great.
Lent - Legalistic or Helpful?
For a while, I have been feeling a low-grade ache in my own soul that God was inviting me into deeper intimacy with Him, but that that intimacy would come with a cost.
Lent is the perfect time to pay the cost.
Do Not Forget To Thank God
God’s good gifts are not meant to terminate upon themselves but help us see Him more gloriously.
Trusting God With A Loved One
We are often better at trusting God in our own lives than we are in the lives of others.
If We Are Already Loved by God, Can We Please Or Displease Him?
You can please God with your actions—not to earn His love, but as an expression of it.
Make War With Sin
Most of us would not be accused of taking the fight against our sins too seriously, but too lightly.
Thanksgiving In Leviticus
The act of remembering what God has done and thanking Him for it builds our faith.
How Christians Should Think About The 2024 Election
How do we as Christians think about the 2024 eleciton?
The Book of Job Can Be Hard To Understand
The book of Job shows us a different explanation for personal suffering other than “God must be punishing me”.
How To Persist In The Faith
Do not be surprised when in your journey with God through this life you encounter seasons that are hard. Difficult. Long. You will face times that wear you down to the bone.
Practicing The Way Will Be Costly
Is your whole life oriented around following your rabbi and savior? To be with Him. To become like Him. To do as He did?
God Sees You In Your Pain
When theological truths for the mind seem insufficient, the simultaneous question and request stands: “God, do you see me and can you show me that you do?”
Sermon: How To Stop Sinning
How do I stop sinning a sin I want to do? You find a better pleasure in the grace of God.
Sermon: How To Cultivate The Fruit of The Spirit
We know we should grow in self-control and kindness and patience. But the real question is, how? Listen to this sermon on Galatians 5:22-23 from Josh Powell.
When You Feel Helpless
Helplessness is a bit like quick sand. The more you try, the deeper you sink. Helplessness is also like baptism. You’ve got to surrender to it to come out the other side.
Church Feels Hard Lately
Church feels like a chore. My heart feels apathetic to worship and the sermon and I'm a pastor! I desperately want my heart to be alive again to the Sunday worship service. While I do not know why God might bring us to seasons like this, I do believe that He uses all things for our good.
Give The Firstfruits of Your Time To God
Do you give God the first of your time and energy? Or only the remainder?
The Ups and Downs of Christian Life
Is there any encouragement for us when the Christian journey feels long and difficult?