A Prayer For Nurses


During my time serving as a chaplain in a trauma hospital, I became acutely aware of the pressures and the anxieties nurses, and other healthcare workers, carry. If you happen to work in a hospital, here is a prayer/reflection for you:

God, hospitals are hotels of suffering. People come in for various durations and are exposed in their souls. Pain walks the halls and sadness abounds. Blood is not the only thing that drips, tears do too. Hospital workers live within these spaces. It is not an easy road, so I pray that you would take them by the hand and comfort them on their journey.

For the nurse who lost a patient today, give them hope. Hope that their time with their patient mattered. Hope that death wasn’t the only thing that came out of this situation. Give her grace that she did what was hers to do. Relieve her from the pressure of wondering if she could have done more. Remind her she does not have to carry the burden alone.

For the nurse who feels abandoned and alone. God would you bring comfort and solidarity. You know what it’s like to serve and be misunderstood. You know what it’s like to be spread thin and have little friends. Would you meet this nurse in her quiet moments? Would you remind them you are ever-present and you offer us a listening ear through prayer. Would you lead them into the life-giving space of community?

For the nurse who feels spread thin. It is a heavy burden to carry the life of others on your shoulders, especially when you’re understaffed and overworked. Would you grant strength? Would you give them the ability to take care of themselves, even if that means saying no to things? Remind them their value is not found in their ability to perform but their being your child.

For the nurse who made a mistake. Remind them we are humans, not robots. We are not perfect. Grant them the ability to forgive themselves, even when others might not. Steady their anxious hearts when the memories keep them up at night. Free them from the cell they often put themselves in, or maybe get in the cell with them.

For the nurse who feels depressed. Give them grace. Help them see light in the normal things, like sunshine and good music. Coffee in the morning and laughter. A good book or a walk. I know the darkness does not often lift all at once, but light can break through heavy clouds, I pray that it would.

God, please be with nurses. They carry many weights most people are unaware of. They serve and love in obscurity and are often under-appreciated. Give them what they need to do their jobs well. Remind them that you see their every sacrifice. Empower them. Help them be ok.


Praying for you often,
