Do Not Forget To Thank God

“Do not forget to thank God for the prayers you prayed 10 years ago that He has now answered.”

I read that line the other day and began to ponder, what prayers did I pray 10 years ago that He has answered? Do I thank Him for those answers? Or do I have a spoiled heart? Has the answers to those prayers taken the center part of my heart that God used to?

Good Gifts Are Not gods

If you were to randomly flip open your bible to an Old Testament passage, 8 times out of 10 you would read the page and see God’s people committing idolatry. They take something that is not God himself and place their faith, values, and affections on it. We are no different. We tend to take things, even good things in our lives and place them in the place of God.

Family, possessions, career success, money, power, sex, entertainment, and comfort to name a few. These gifts are good in their proper places, but they are never meant to terminate on themselves, rather they are meant to help us look beyond them to the God who created them and see him as more glorious.

Constant thankfulness helps put these gifts in their proper place, as things God gives us, but things that are never meant to take his place.

Thank You God

Spend some time today thinking about the prayers you prayed 10 years ago, where has God come through for you? Spend some time thanking Him who longs to give his children good gifts. Sometimes the things we want. Always the things we need. And always his presence despite our circumstances.




Lent - Legalistic or Helpful?


Trusting God With A Loved One