Don't Rush His Timing


To my friends who are waiting for jobs/ministries/spouse/desires that are not presently available:

Our current season is not wasted time. In this season of waiting, perhaps God is cultivating a well that you will draw from for the next 50 years of your life.

The thing about a well is it must be dug out. They aren't just there. They are made by digging, drilling, and driving the tools into the ground. Perhaps the only way God could dig that well deep enough and fill it with hope, grace, love, patience, wisdom, and love for Him... is by a painful season of waiting?

Don't rush His timeline friends. I know the pain of a good desire going unmet. But I also know that He is wise and loving, aware of what He is doing. Your time is not wasted. This season of your life is producing something in you. Keep being faithful to God with what He gives you. Be a servant to your friends, church, business, and family. And in the process, the well will be dug. The Lord is at work.

And somewhere along that journey you will find that what is most important is not the job, ministry, or desire being fulfilled, but that you were with Jesus. He holds you, walks with you, and never lets you go. Keep waiting on Him, trusting that He works in the waiting.

He will use your well, in time. Maybe not on a stage... but in a conversation.

Blessings friends,
