John 2 | Overcome


December 2nd. Our reading today is John 2.

The verse I want to highlight is 2:19 “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up”

Do you remember in Chapter 1 where John said “the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it”. Well, death is a darkness. Especially if you think Jesus is the answer. If you think Jesus is the one who you’ve been waiting for for hundreds or thousands of years as a nation.

Jesus is saying to the Jews “you’re going to kill me, the true temple. But in three days I will rise.” Is this not why the text immediately says in verse 22 “when therefore He was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken?”

As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, we want to be shifting our gaze from ourselves and what Jesus can do for us (although he can do millions of things for us, all of which are true blessings). But we want to get our gaze onto Him.

Consider the power of Jesus, who is God. The ultimate end, the darkness we all inevitably face, death, could not win against Him. You do not serve a small God. You do not follow a weak Jesus. Our thoughts are often spinning out implications based on the size of the God we believe in.

Reflection question:

Does your peace, your trust in God indicate you believe in a small, weak God? Or an all powerful one?

Pondering the power of God,


AdventJosh PowellAdvent