John 3 | Deep Love


December 3rd, John 3.

Within this passage lies the most famous of texts. John 3:16. I was listening to the audio bible the other day and as the speaker read John 3:16, it struck me. To hear this text in its context with fresh ears is tremendously life giving.

The repetition and clicheness of the text has watered it down to our ears and hearts.

This text sounds good, but what does it say to us when we are sinful? When we know ourselves to be spiritually weak? When we are unfaithfully? When we stumble? When we feel guilty? When we want to change, but cannot…

Listen to what Spurgeon said to his congregation one evening:

It is written, "God so loveth the world that he gave his Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." That means me. I cannot preach at length to you to-night; but I would preach with strength. Oh that this truth may soak into your souls. Oh you that feel yourselves guilty; and you that feel guilty because you do not feel guilty; you that are broken in heart because your heart will not break; you that feel that you cannot feel; it is to you that I would preach salvation in Christ by faith. You groan because you cannot groan; but whoever you may be, you are still within the range of this mighty word, that "whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."

This great love God has, was not set upon you when you were perfect. And now that you are not at that state, he wants to condemn you. No, His great love was set upon you when you were at your weakest. Your most sinful. Your most rebellious. (Romans 5:6)

That means, at whatever state you find yourself reading this, you are not outside of his love. It is precisely His love that will work within the deep caverns of your heart to change you, and give you new life. John 3:17 says “For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world”.

If he does not condemn you, why do you condemn yourself?

Reflection question:

Spend time allowing God’s love to flow into the sinful part of your heart. He does not condemn your sin, although He does take it seriously. And He takes it seriously because He loves you and desires better for you.

Marveling at the love of God despite my sin,


AdventJosh PowellAdvent