Sometimes Life Doesn't Go The Way You Want


If you live long enough, you will not get what you want in this life. How are we to respond?

I’ve wrestled with that question lately, as things in my life haven’t gone the way I want vocationally. Many of you know I graduated with my M.Div from Seminary, worked as a hospital chaplain during COVID, and then began searching for a pastoral position in a church.

It’s both something I aspire to, and something I believe God called me to. But the journey has been long and winding. God has been taking me the long way. It’s been frustrating and challenging. There’s been moments of hope, but also moments of sadness. It’s hard when you want something in life, something that seems good and for reasons beyond your understanding, you don’t get it.

I don’t know that I have any wise word or quick fixes. But I do have a few reflections of things I’ve been learning:

1- God molds us in journeys, not destinations.

2- God is with us in the journey, not just the destination.

3- God is a wise shepherd, I can trust His leading. (Psalm 23)

4- Would I be ok if I never got what I wanted, but got God?

Sometimes you don’t get what you want in this life, but how we respond is important. I would never want to communicate we can’t grieve and be upset over the loss of good desires going unmet. That’s real grief. But a response of faith and trust is important. I believe as we sit with God in our frustration and sadness, we will be met with a gracious God who will lead us to where we need to be. And he will help move our hearts into faith and trust of His good design.

On the journey with you,
