Make War With Sin
Most of us would not be accused of taking the fight against our sins too seriously, but too lightly.
I Struggle To Resist Temptation, What Should I Do?
Your ability to fight sin hinges on one thing. Your faith. Choosing obedience over sin is an act of faith, this is why it’s an important weapon in the lure of temptation.
Our Sexual Sin, His Sword, And The Sky
While the Bible tells us to flee sexual immorality, it also talks about taking the sword of the Spirit. How does this help us in fighting lustful temptations?
How To Rid Your Heart Of Sinful Desire
Our hearts are daily idol factories, grafting our affections onto created things that were never meant to hold our allegiances and affections. Idols promise us life, pleasure, and satisfaction, but in the end, only deliver death.
The question is- How do we lay these sinful desires down?
Psalm 1 | The Paradox of Growth | Part 2
God is not against our pleasure with his laws and commands, but for them! He designed everything. He designed love, sex, money, relationships. Does the engineer know more about the inner workings of a complex machine than the operator?
Desire For The Forbidden Stems From Wrong Beliefs
Sin looks enticing because, at the core, sinful action is always a symptom of sinful beliefs.
Can I Be Saved If I Am Living In Secret, Habitual Sin?
Sin thrives in darkness. Sin shrivels in the light.