Can I Be Saved If I Am Living In Secret, Habitual Sin?

Listen as Dr. David Powlison answers this complex question.
For more information from CCEF or David Powlison, visit their website at
Our own internal resources related to fighting sin have been listed below:
Your ability to fight sin hinges on one thing. Your faith. Choosing obedience over sin is an act of faith, this is why it’s an important weapon in the lure of temptation.
While the Bible tells us to flee sexual immorality, it also talks about taking the sword of the Spirit. How does this help us in fighting lustful temptations?
Temptation towards sin is only one battle ground for Satan in the life of a Christian. The other place of temptation is after you have fallen.
We have this false notion that the more time we get between our current location and the last 'big sin', the purer we are in God's eyes. But is this biblical?
There are far more women out there who have sexual sin scars than people realize. We don’t tell anybody because we think it will cause people to see us differently. How should we think about these scars?
Are you anxious about the daunting task of being faithful for the rest of your life? God wants to unburden you from that weight.
If I fall again, will He be there to pick me up? Can we find hope in the wake of committing the deepest and darkest sins of our lives? After the affair. After the adultery. After the murder. After the deception. When we are most disillusioned about our own salvation because of our depravity, this is when the doctrine of the atonement and mediation shine brightest.