Tools For Better Bible Reading

This is a guest article from Dr. Bethel Bumanglag :

Ps. 23 is a familiar chapter for anyone who grew up in a Christian home. Besides John 3:16, children in Sunday School are asked to memorize these 6 verses. To be quite honest though, I never really understood what it meant until someone took the time to help me connect the words to my current environment. 

The imagery in this verse did not really connect with me because I lived in a city. I don't necessarily enjoy the meadow or quiet pools. I never really spent enough time around nature in order to understand the beauty of the imagery. And shepherd? I've never met a shepherd! 

It is this gap that a lot of people who read and don't read the Bible complain about all the time. I know I did. Here are some tips that could help you if you're having trouble with reading comprehension and the Bible! 

  • Read the Bible with someone skilled at reading the Bible 

    • If you are at a church, chances are there are people who have been reading the Bible longer than you have. Ask them to help you. You will be surprised at their willingness and excitement. 

    • Ask your friends who are also reading the Bible to read with you. Your collective wisdom, together with the Holy Spirit, is enough to help you with your reading. 

  • Use resources

    • The Bible Project: YouTube channel giving brief explanations of the books of the Bible and concepts seen in the Bible. 

    • Blue Letter Bible: An online tool containing commentaries and cross-references. 

  • Choose your bible translation

    • Explore different Bible translations. I personally like to use the ESV, NIV, HSCB, CSB, and The Message. See the picture below for a summary of the difference between translations. 


  • Use your imagination

    • God has gifted you with the ability to imagine. This might take time and some practice in order to apply it to Bible reading. Listen to this short podcast on imagination

  • Engage with nature

    • The Bible talks a lot about nature, primarily because "God’s glory is on tour in the skies." (Ps. 19:1, The Message) So if you want to understand the imagery used in Scripture, spend some time in nature. 

It might be really tempting to give up reading the Bible because of the hurdles, but do not give up! There are ways to overcome these! The Bible was written so we can know God and know how to live in His world. Working towards comprehending Scriptures will be worth it! 

Reading with you,


Bethel is a counselor, writer, and teacher. She serves as a Soul Care Director at Graceland Church in New Albany, IN as well as the Women's Ministry Coordinator at Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY. Originally from Manila, Philippines, she and her fiancé Kevin currently live in Louisville, KY.

Social Media: IG- @drbethelb

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