Morning Devotion | Don't Give Up Reading The Bible


You may be tempted to give up on your Bible reading. You either are behind on your "plan". Or maybe it's been a few days and you'd say you've not gotten much out of it. Or maybe it’s been a few weeks since you’ve read it… so why start now?

I want to share with you my experience this morning in hopes that it encourages you of the necessity and power of Bible reading in our lives.

I recently started a new Bible reading plan and I've been a little behind each day. Honestly, the readings haven't felt very "meaningful" to me. For a few days I’ve gotten to the end of my reading and asked… what was that even supposed to do in me?

I was tempted to give up this morning, but knew I needed my time with God. So I turned to my section, attempting to catch up. Do you know what happened? Mana came down. I received something I needed. I was both disciplined and encouraged. I felt called to not only repent externally, but internally of sins. To do that heart work. I was reminded that God's love is great. He is kind and patient. I felt God was speaking directly to me. A meaningful time of prayer followed.

Oh how I love when God speaks to me through His word. He is kind to give us our daily bread. Do not give up reading the bible my friends. Sometimes mining for gems takes time. Maybe God will have you go through a few days of "dry" bible reading to produce vigor in you. We are to "seek the Lord" right? Do you only seek when it is easy? No. We pursue Christ on easy days and hard days.

I implore you. Build a habit of being in the Word daily. The goal isn't to read, the goal is to commune. That can happen over 2 verses or 20 chapters. This is the key to the Christian life and fighting sin. Because as you commune, as He instructs you, disciplines you, encourages you, builds you up, and gets your eyes off of yourself and onto His... that's how you grow. That's how you change. That's how your desire for sin grows small... because your desire for Him has grown big.

Do not give up reading your Bible. Open it again. More is happening than you realize.

Thankful for His Word,



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