I Struggle To Resist Temptation, What Should I Do?
Your ability to fight sin hinges on one thing. Your faith. Choosing obedience over sin is an act of faith, this is why it’s an important weapon in the lure of temptation.
God Holds Us In His Hands
There is a peace and a comfort when we realize God has us in His hands.
When You Don't Feel Like Reading The Bible
When we don’t feel like reading the Bible, how can we help ourselves submit to reading?
Our Sexual Sin, His Sword, And The Sky
While the Bible tells us to flee sexual immorality, it also talks about taking the sword of the Spirit. How does this help us in fighting lustful temptations?
How To Celebrate Easter
Three thoughts on how to celebrate Easter. Often times we get so busy during holidays that we forget there's a point in holidays... that being, they give us a moment to remember.
God Is Rich In Mercy | Meditation 3
That God is rich in mercy means your regions of deepest shame and regret are not hotels through which divine mercy passes but homes in which divine mercy abides.
You Might See God Wrongly | Meditation 2
God is not as hard on you as you are on yourself.
Jesus Is Gentle And Lowly | Meditation 1
What elicits tenderness from Jesus is not the severity of the sin but whether the sinner comes to him.
How To Get Alone With God
What you need more than another sermon, another how-to book, or a self-help article is to get alone with God.
Lord, Don't Leave Me
Darkness shrouds what is truly there. Darkness is not the reality, darkness is merely the inability to see what is present. Remind me of this when darkness enters, Lord, that you are my light.
How To Wait Faithfully
We all will move in and out of waiting seasons as Christians. Do we ever give much thought to how to wait well?
Prayer For A New Year
How many of my failures this past year would have been dodged had I prayed more fervently on January 1, 2020? Would I had been more prepared for the year that was to come?
Satan Tempts You After Sin, Too
Temptation towards sin is only one battle ground for Satan in the life of a Christian. The other place of temptation is after you have fallen.
Time Does Not Make You More Pure To God
We have this false notion that the more time we get between our current location and the last 'big sin', the purer we are in God's eyes. But is this biblical?
How To Rid Your Heart Of Sinful Desire
Our hearts are daily idol factories, grafting our affections onto created things that were never meant to hold our allegiances and affections. Idols promise us life, pleasure, and satisfaction, but in the end, only deliver death.
The question is- How do we lay these sinful desires down?
I Saw God This Morning
This morning I was with the Holy One. Not because I deserved it. Not because I'm Special. Not because of anything I did. I was just needy. I voiced my neediness to God. And God loves to glorify Himself when we are needy.
Have My Sins Made Me Unlovable?
We all bring objections to God’s love for us. The question is, what does God do with our objections?