How To Celebrate Easter

How can we properly celebrate Easter? Here are three thoughts to help you slow down and remember:
1- Read the Easter account in one sitting
Read Matthew 26-28. In our fast paced world we rarely read large portions of scripture in one sitting. In one instance, it is unrealistic to think people will have time to sit and read 5 hours of Bible a day, especially when there are kids to bathe, jobs to be done, houses to clean, and projects to be completed. If God’s Word is our daily bread, not every spiritual meal can be a feast.
But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t ever feast. I can testify to the benefit of reading through large portions of scripture in one sitting. You see patterns you wouldn’t normally see. Especially in the Gospels, you notice the perfection of Jesus and the immaturity of the disciples. You notice the unenviable pressure Jesus faced on his way to the Cross. Reading larger portions of scripture aids us in our understanding of the Bible as a whole story, not just divided tiny ones.
If you want to experience and celebrate Easter this weekend, I challenge you to read Matthew 26-28 in one sitting. It will probably take you 15-20 minutes. I guarantee you you will notice things you haven’t before. Look for themes of patience, Jesus’ humanity, Jesus’ humility, Jesus’ love for his disciples despite their sin, evil vs good. Here are some tips on better bible reading.
2- Worship What you see
If you want to properly celebrate Easter, you must worship. Preferably after reading the Easter account, why not take a walk? Thank God for what he did on the cross. Marvel at the power of God that he raised Christ from the dead, reversing the ultimate curse that came into the world when we sinned.
John Piper says about worship: “The inner essence of worship is to know God truly and then respond from the heart to that knowledge by valuing God, treasuring God, prizing God, enjoying God, being satisfied with God above all earthly things. And then that deep, restful, joyful satisfaction in God overflows in demonstrable acts of praise from the lips and demonstrable acts of love in serving others for the sake of Christ.”
Worship God includes both the contemplation of who He is and what He has done. But it also bubbles over into acting and doing. Loving my friends and family is a way of worshipping what God did 2000 years ago. How will you worship in thought and action?
3- Share something you learned with a friend
On the original “Easter” the response was to share the beautiful news that Jesus was not dead. He was risen, thus defeating death and sin. Where in your life can you continue this tradition? Why not text a friend something you noticed in reading the Easter account? Post on Facebook a beautiful truth about God? Tell a co-worker something you treasure about Christ come Monday morning.
These are just three ways we can celebrate and treasure our God this Easter.
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