Our Sins They Are Many - His Mercy Is More


His Mercy Is More (song linked below) is a song for the weary soul who is downtrodden by their sin. Look up, Christian. For there is far more mercy in God than there is sin in you.

This modern hymn was written by Matt Papa and Matt Boswell. The song itself was inspired from a sermon from John Newton, who was a slave ship captain in his earlier years of life. This man surely knew the depths of God’s grace and dug a well that we too, in our deepest times of need, may drink from the bottomless fountain of God’s grace.

Here is the most noticeable excerpt of Newton’s sermon:

Are not you amazed sometimes that you should have so much as a hope, that, poor and needy as you are, the Lord thinketh of you? But let not all you feel discourage you. For if our Physician is almighty, our disease cannot be desperate and if He casts none out that come to Him, why should you fear?

Our sins are many, but His mercies are more: our sins are great, but His righteousness is greater: we are weak, but He is power. Most of our complaints are owing to unbelief, and the remainder of a legal spirit. And these evils are not removed in a day.  -- John Newton


His Mercy Is More

What love could remember, no wrongs we have done

Omniscient, all-knowing, He counts not their sum

Thrown into a sea without bottom or shore

Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

What patience would wait as we constantly roam

What Father so tender is calling us home

He welcomes the weakest, the vilest, the poor

Our sins they are many, His mercy is more


What riches of kindness He lavished on us

His blood was the payment His life was the cost

We stood ‘neath a debt we could never afford

Our sins they are many, His mercy is more


Praise the Lord

His mercy is more

Stronger than darkness

New every morn’

Our sins they are many, His mercy is more



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