Weekly Recommendations #2


This weeks top recommended reads and listens. I really recommend the first one.

The Scrolling Soul (Article)

“Your scrolling is not neutral. You are becoming something. Your search history tells a story about your soul.

Careless scrolling often exposes our folly. And it breeds discontentment. The parade of spectacles never ends. We can fast-forward, skip ahead, or go back and examine specifics. You can rewatch in hi-def what you were never meant to see in the first place. The restless scrolling soul constantly asks, Am I entertained? Am I liked? Am I amused? The heaven-bound soul asks, Am I holy? Am I loved by God? Am I satisfied in him?

Scrolling discourages deep delight. Scrolling, by nature, keeps us on the surface, always consuming tasty treats but rarely nourished by anything satisfying. The scrolling soul spends countless hours searching what the sort of satisfaction that can only be found in Christ.”

Devote Yourself To Faithfulness (Article)

“David’s command fits with how the Bible instructs us to pursue all aspects of godliness. We are called to build ourselves up in our most holy faith (Jude 20). And the way we build ourselves up spiritually is similar to the way we build our capacities for anything: we exercise what we want to grow.

The wonderful thing is that we don’t need some special faithfulness gym membership to begin growing our capacity for faithfulness. We have everything we need right now, right where we find ourselves. Jesus tells us, “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much” (Luke 16:10). And so, if we draw strength from Jesus to be faithful with a little, he will entrust us with much (Matthew 25:23).

The best place for us to start is by identifying the people and responsibilities that Jesus has entrusted to us.”

The Struggle For Love (Sermon)

What can bear the weight of our deepest affections? Love? Others? Jobs? Popularity? Listen as Tim Keller reminds us of the only thing that can deeply fulfill us.

Happy learning! Have a question for us? Send an email below!