What We Learn From Seasons


Seasons are interesting. Winter. Spring. Fall. Summer. Each distinct. Each unique. Each come with specific hurdles but also specific beauties. Winter brings us the bitter cold. But with it, snow. Summer brings the agonizing heat, but with it, thunderstorms. Human life is one of seasons as well. Ups, downs, joyful, sad. Frustrating, freeing, light, and dark.

Seasons come and go. Life isn't just one season, but the transition between many. This is not a bad thing. Much like the physical, each have their hurdles. But each have their beauties. Hard seasons of life don't mean you have failed. It's just life. Keep pressing on. It will not last forever. Not only this, but each season is producing something. Don't discount it just because it's hard. The Lord is not foolish or unwise. He is at work even in the darkest of moments.

You cannot have the beauty of spring without the pain of winter.

Working to trust Jesus more in my season,
