Resources For Pastors:
Your relationship with God is more than your productivity at work and more than your productivity in your quiet times.
Those suffering and those helping those who suffer need sherpas who have walked the terrain of grief, these books are those sherpas.
What you need more than another sermon, another how-to book, or a self-help article is to get alone with God.
Tiredness is a symptom of a deeper reality; so it is with our spiritual fatigue. There is a distinction to be made between being tired from time to time and staying tired. That is when you need to take a more serious look, what are the symptoms revealing?
You can learn from anyone if you are willing to listen (or read).
I’ve known many pastors who have taught from a place of love. I’ve know very few pastors who I could say, loved me so deeply they gave me their self too. But for those who have loved me like that— I would follow them into any battle.
Your faithfulness in this season of waiting is just as powerful, meaningful, and precious to the Lord as what you do with the dreams, gifts, and platforms He gives you later. So prepare well.