God Is With You In The Journey, Not Just The Destination


“I am with you in journeys, not just destinations.”

I’ve felt the lord telling me that lately.

I looked up during my run yesterday and saw these trees. Some had leaves, some didn’t. In a few months they will match. But currently, they are in different places. I feel like that sometimes. I imagine it’s an easy feeling for us humans to encounter. We are always aware of those around us, where they “are in life”, whatever that may mean. When we feel we aren’t matching pace, we tend to easily get discouraged. Have you felt that?

I’m trying to figure a lot of things out about my future. It is easy to look around and wonder, because you see others secured and flourishing, am I in the wrong place? Did I do something wrong? Did I mishear from the Lord?

Some trees have leaves, some don’t. But as I was looking at these trees it hit me. Not all growth is evidenced by external indicators. In fact, for leaves to grow all kinds of unseen, internal work has to take place. Not all barren trees are sitting idle. They are preparing, or being prepared, for the next season.

In the same way, the Lord leads and prepares us. I know God is doing things in my life. I know I can trust Him. We are not in the wrong place if we are following Him. I can hold firm that I’ll end up in the right place because He is good and wise. Even in the grey of the daily monotony of a relentless season. Leaves are being cultivated.


Here in town the season is trying to change from winter to spring. It gets hot some days, then it’s cold. It snowed today and I think the high is supposed to be 67 on Monday. Growth doesn’t happen in spring. Growth happens in winter. Spring just reveals the growth. If the trees can survive the winter, so can souls. Spring is coming. Keep going and keep trusting the Lord.

God is with you in journeys, not just destinations.

Enjoying each season,
