How To Spend Time With God


I was speaking with someone today about my quiet time with God. They were having trouble staying consistent in theirs. As I reflected on the history of my daily time spent with God, I asked myself - “What changed for me?” I used to see time with God as something I should do but struggled with. It felt robotic. Pointless. There were more entertaining things to do in my day. What changed?

My mindset. Instead of feeling a guilty obligation to please God, I started learning more about fellowship with God.

Luke 5:16

But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.

Jesus made time to get away and be alone with God. Picture the fellowship between the Son and the Father. True, pure, real, authentic, emotional, deep fellowship. Wouldn’t we all say we wish those adjectives marked our quiet times with God? Here was what I always missed, the spiritual disciplines were not an end in themselves, but a means to know God better. To see Him more clearly. To be nearer to Him.

Without making our ability to have fellowship with God too casual, here is a mental picture that has been helpful for me. Here is what I mean when I say, “the spiritual disciplines are not an end in themselves”. I imagine God sitting in a coffee shop, off in the corner. I look over and I see two coffees. One’s for me and it’s still steaming. Will I go sit? Or will I look back down at my Netflix episode? Spiritual disciplines are what get me into the seat.

When I get there, there’s no judgment on His face, just a warm, tender, presence radiating off of Him. It’s almost like He wants me to come over. I get the unbelievable feeling that, perhaps, sinful as I am, this Holy man would be happy for me to come join Him. He doesn’t need me, but He does love and want me. I go over and take a seat. And I hear, “Josh, how are you?” I pause…then fold my checklist back up and put it in my pocket. I talk to God about my day. I’m blown away that there is no small thing in my life that He doesn’t want to hear about. I tell Him about my dreams for the future and my fears as well. Then, I pick up the Bible and hear him say to me in my daily reading: "1st John 3:1- See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”

I’m stunned. I tell Him so. “God, this is beautiful. I am your son! I am safe with you. I am loved by you. I know it wasn’t easy to make me your son. I was sinful, filled with evilness and should be punished by you. And yet, you loved me so deeply that you send your son to die for me. Oh God, thank you!” It’s almost like He reaches out and grabs my arm. “For you, my son, I would do anything to get you into my family,” I see a tear fall down his cheek.

As I reflect on this, God says: “My son, because of my love, flee sin!” Yes, God. I must flee sin that so easily entangles. Please give me the grace to hate it. Strengthen me, it is hard sometimes. And I look up and see a smile on the Father’s face. He says: “Come to Me, you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Josh, take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul in me. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Yes God, it is a joyful yoke to bear. You are so gentle and humble in heart. And then, my alarm goes off. It’s time to shower and head off to work.

What a beautiful pleasure we have, of being able to have fellowship with God. Don’t make it more spiritual than God does. Pray to God like you would talk to Jesus if he were here. May we have reverence and respect, for this is not a mere friend, but our King. And yet, the King invites us to sit with Him. Read the scriptures and allow God to speak back. As you do this, day after day after day, you will come to know God more. And the spiritual disciplines will no longer be a way to get God to love you. But a means to knowing God more deeply.

Learning to be with God,
