Posts tagged Covid
Spiritual Tiredness | Rest

Tiredness is a symptom of a deeper reality; so it is with our spiritual fatigue. There is a distinction to be made between being tired from time to time and staying tired. That is when you need to take a more serious look, what are the symptoms revealing?

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How To Find Hope In God's Love After You Sin

His love for you was never given based on your goodness. He loved you, wanted you, and sent His son to die for you while you were rebellious. He’s not going to leave you now. There is massive hope for you. Keep going back to the cross. To the one who does not deal with us according to our sins, but abounds in steadfast (long suffering) love and mercy.

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Life Begins In The Waiting

What if in our productivity addicted culture we confuse the potential blessing of the green pastures and the still waters with the valley of the shadow of death because we detest the stillness of waiting? What if God's green pasture for you was a season of waiting—Because thats the only place He could get you to stop and sit still? What if the season you needed to hear his sweet, tender voice was the quietness found in waiting? Everybody likes the idea of the still waters until you’re there- and you find that theres nothing to do but wait.

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