Lessons From The Sky


I learned about God, difficulty, and faithfulness from the sky.

I went running a few evenings ago. It was strangely low humidity; a cool evening for northern Georgia.

As I finished my sprint up the hill that leads to my house, I walked to the end of the block to catch my breath, the sky was dark and cloudy the way I was facing. As I turned around I saw the sunset. Shades of blue, that turned to violet, to pink, then to orange and red. It was stunning. I was facing darkness. Then, one turn later, I was facing this beautiful sunset— and in a moment I thought “He’s going to take care of me.” He takes care of the world, surely He will see me through.

The Psalmist words came to my mind “the heavens declare the work of His hands” (Psalm 19). Both his work in creating the beautiful tapestries of sunsets and sunrises and the work to sustain life when it is dark. Both his work to create beauty and his work to, at His proper time, bring it together.

The Psalmist is trying to help us see that we can learn about God’s character from the sky. By looking at God’s design, handiwork, and power in creation, we learn: He is strong. Able. Creative. On-time. Perfect. Powerful. Sustaining. Refreshing. Purposeful in all seasons.

Friends, darkness might be your current view. But it won’t always be that. Just as I was facing darkness, I had no idea what was around the turn. He is working. He is acting and doing, even when you can’t see it. His love informs his work. Trust that in the darkness, the God who sustains all things in nature is at work creating your story. The darkness doesn’t negate that. Does God’s work cease when the sun sets?

Reversely, Did the sun rise this morning? Then God is faithful to sustain us. He will be faithful to you no matter what your circumstances are. Sin does not stop his goodness.

Learning from nature,

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