A Prayer For My Quarantined Soul

A prayer to God about the blessing and the curses of slowness during these times:



Thank you for the gift of slowness. It feels like a tremendous blessing.

There are many things I ask of you. But the main one? That you would become my best friend during this time. Would you keep me for the next 30, 50, 60 years of my life? And when I get to the end of it, whatever the date is, could I say with my last breath, “you are my greatest treasure, Lord”?

Slowness also feels like a curse.

God, you know sin, temptation, and being too in my mind are present troubles in times of isolation and quarantine. Grant me the grace to treasure you above any sin. Forgive me where I have spat in your face in rebellion. Break into my heart with your fatherly love. As you say in Psalm 103: “As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is my love for you”. Allow me to swim in that love. Drown me with your grace that I may not listen to the doubts and the accusations to despair. How could I? You are my God. You are for me.

God, don’t give up on my sanctification. Help me continue walking. Help me fight my sin. You won’t drop me, I know. Help me trust more. Help my unbelief. I want to know you more deeply.

God, you have never let me down. You have been faithful for the past 27 years of my life. Why should I doubt you? When your sons and daughters ask for bread you will not give them stones. (Luke 11:11) Lead me. Guide me. Stir my affections to love you more deeply. Increase my capacity to treasure you. Help me see your face. Grant me deep, meaningful, intimate fellowship with you.

At the end of these historic times as my life settles back into ‘normalcy’… let me say you became my best friend in the isolation.


What do you want God to do in your life during your slowness?