Holiday Tears
Christmas time is one that is often joyful. Cozy. Filled with family, laughter, and comforts. For some, though, the holidays are quite painful. Where do we go for hope when the holiday tears fall?
How To Spend Time With God
The spiritual disciplines are not an end in themselves, but a means to know God better. I imagine God sitting in a coffee shop, off in the corner. I look over and I see two coffees. One’s for me and it’s still steaming. Will I go sit? Or will I look back down at my Netflix episode?
4 Thoughts On The Lost Art of Meditation
Do you want to read the Bible more meaningfully? Do you want the scriptures to shape the way you think, feel, and believe? Do you want to bridge the gap between what the head knows and what the heart feels and worships? If so, the key is meditation.
When A Christian Looks at Porn - A Female Perspective
There are far more women out there who have sexual sin scars than people realize. We don’t tell anybody because we think it will cause people to see us differently. How should we think about these scars?
To Be Truly Happy, We Must Be Holy
I can truly say, every time I’ve chosen obedience, God has met me with more joy than I have ever found in sinful ways. It’s not been easy, but it is worth it. Because in my imperfect obedience I get more of God.
You Are Not Easier To Save Than Kanye West
It takes God no more power to save Kanye West than it does to save me and you. The moment we think we were easier to save, we have become disillusioned to our own sinfulness. Kanye is the lost sheep Jesus left the 99 for, and so are you.
Becoming Like Little Ones
C.S. Lewis says that we are to be childlike in heart, but grown-ups with our minds. So using your mind, why is it so important that we be childlike-- and what does it look like? Here are a couple of reflections:
The Anxiety Of Being Faithful
Are you anxious about the daunting task of being faithful for the rest of your life? God wants to unburden you from that weight.
Is Jesus Christ Only A Mediator Of Small Sins?
If I fall again, will He be there to pick me up? Can we find hope in the wake of committing the deepest and darkest sins of our lives? After the affair. After the adultery. After the murder. After the deception. When we are most disillusioned about our own salvation because of our depravity, this is when the doctrine of the atonement and mediation shine brightest.
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
When everything else seems lacking, look to Jesus. Get your eyes off of yourself, off your circumstances, and look into the face of Jesus. For there, “ the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace”
I'm Not Who You Thought I Was, God
I’m far more sinful, broken, and weak than I want to be. Do you still love me?
The Blessing Of Imagery
God has given us such a gift in the words of the Bible. He’s given us language to explain and express the good and difficult states of our hearts. For those of you that are in a difficult spiritual state, remember the blessing of imagery. May we read our Bibles all the more! Consider using these words/images (and others!) to pray to God about what is going on in your life. Know that God, in His deep love for you, has given other people words to say, pictures to paint, and songs to sing that can be used to give you words and names for your difficulty.
Sin, Shame, Isolation — The Ugly Cycle
We sin, we feel shame, that shame leads us to run away from God and others in isolation, then the isolation leaves us empty. Thus, turning to sin we begin the cycle again. Where do we go when we are trapped in this hell of a cycle?
Hope For The Broken Heart
God is near to you in your broken heart— No matter what the broken heart or crushed spirit came from. Beautiful.
He Will Hold You Fast
A song for the discouraged soul. It is not your hold of Christ that saves, but His hold of you.
Grace Is An Ocean You Cannot Drink Empty
Nights full of lonely accusatory questions aimed at yourself. “Am I even a Christian, does God love me anymore?” Your sin, like a desert, drying up every bit of hopeful water you have. Where do we turn when this is where we find ourselves?
Pastor - Let Your People Know You Love Them
I’ve known many pastors who have taught from a place of love. I’ve know very few pastors who I could say, loved me so deeply they gave me their self too. But for those who have loved me like that— I would follow them into any battle.
God's Cultivating Hand
Your faithfulness in this season of waiting is just as powerful, meaningful, and precious to the Lord as what you do with the dreams, gifts, and platforms He gives you later. So prepare well.