For Pastors Josh Powell For Pastors Josh Powell

Two Tips For Pastoral Hospital Visits

Visiting people in the hospital is a necessary act of love for any pastor. It is also one of the most dreaded responsibilities due to its awkwardness, its gravity, and the unknown. Hospitals can be scary and intimidating places; how do we become better at hospital visits?

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Sin, The Gospel, Sexual Sin Josh Powell Sin, The Gospel, Sexual Sin Josh Powell

How To Find Hope In God's Love After You Sin

His love for you was never given based on your goodness. He loved you, wanted you, and sent His son to die for you while you were rebellious. He’s not going to leave you now. There is massive hope for you. Keep going back to the cross. To the one who does not deal with us according to our sins, but abounds in steadfast (long suffering) love and mercy.

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Life, Growing, Waiting Josh Powell Life, Growing, Waiting Josh Powell

Life Begins In The Waiting

What if in our productivity addicted culture we confuse the potential blessing of the green pastures and the still waters with the valley of the shadow of death because we detest the stillness of waiting? What if God's green pasture for you was a season of waiting—Because thats the only place He could get you to stop and sit still? What if the season you needed to hear his sweet, tender voice was the quietness found in waiting? Everybody likes the idea of the still waters until you’re there- and you find that theres nothing to do but wait.

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When God Feels Far In Seminary

About six months into my seminary career; however, the excitement started to fade. God became less real to me. The God who bled and died for me became the God whom I merely read and wrote about. I eventually began to question God entirely. I went  through seasons in which I questioned my salvation, questioned the goodness of God, and even questioned the very existence of God.

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Growing, Life Josh Clark Growing, Life Josh Clark

The Price Of Being A Good Friend

What makes a good friend? It’s a simple question with a million possible answers. If we can get to the bottom of what truly makes a good friend, it will surely help in equipping us to be just that for those we love. The process may sound simple, but simple does not mean easy. If you take a look at Jesus’s words on the matter, you will find that being a good friend will cost daily.

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Help in the Darkness, Failure Will Ballentine Help in the Darkness, Failure Will Ballentine

Purposed Pain

People often say things like “things will get better” or “God is still working.” If we are honest, when we hear these things, it can be hard to believe they are true. But luckily we don’t just have my grandmother’s wisdom of “just stay on the bus and one day the view will be beautiful again” but we have the Scriptures from our king to rest upon and take courage from. You are not as alone as you thought.

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Growing Josh Powell Growing Josh Powell

Learning To Gaze

The great danger of western Christianity is that God is a dispensary of gifts for us, and nothing more.

The answer to killing sin and growing closer to God isn’t necessarily do more things, but look more. Gaze more. Sit more. Slow down more. Dwell more with God, and you will be changed.

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Fighting Sin Josh Powell Fighting Sin Josh Powell

When You Feel Too Dirty To Go To God

Have you ever felt too dirty to go to God? Perhaps because of your sins. The ones you swore you’d never do again… and yet here you are. Perhaps because of the Church. You know, the ones who are supposed to be a safe place for hurting people?

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