

Contentment. A challenging thing to grasp for when we are not getting what we desire in this life.

When we look around and see how God has wired our friends for ministry and loving and become disappointed by our own. When we feel insecure about our bodies and desire better physical features. When we are not satisfied with our current job or are stuck in unemployment. When we despise our season of life.

How do we seek contentment in these moments? I found this quote helpful. I pray it helps set the tone of your week, I know it has mine.

The truth is that if God wanted us to have more right now, we would have it. If we needed different gifts to enable us to glorify him, he would provide them. If we were ready for the job or the ministry we want, he would put us into it. If we were supposed to be in a different situation in life, we would be in it. Instead of always saying, “If only this” and “If only that,” God calls us to glorify him to the fullest right now, whatever situation we are in. The word for this is contentment. Contentment is the positive side of the last commandment; it is the remedy for covetous desire.
-About Exodus—Saved for God's Glory

Over the past few days a similar thought has inhabited my prayers: “God I don’t want my love, my faithfulness, my obedience, my pursuit of you to be dictated by getting what I want in this life.” Perhaps that’s just called contentment. When we live in discontentment we do not live in the present. This is a lesson I’ve been learning.

Reflection thoughts:

Spend some time examining your heart. Where is God calling you to be content in? How can you thank Him for his provision today? Are you living the life you have or idolizing an ideal life you do not have?

Learning with you about contentment,
