He Is Enough In Your Lack

Paul pleaded three times for a thorn in his flesh to be taken away. And yet, for some reason, God said no. What was God’s response to this difficult season for Paul?

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

2nd Corinthians 12:9

  • When you are desiring a good thing but that desire is unmet, yet you are called to be faithful in the waiting. His grace is enough in your lack.

  • When you long to be a pastor, but all you see is rejection after rejections, His grace is enough in your lack.

  • When you long to hate sin but find yourself stuck. His grace is enough in your lack.

  • When you desire to be a parent and through tears you ask God for children, His grace is enough in your lack.

  • When you desire sex, but are fighting to be pure as a single. His grace is enough in your lack.

  • When you are walking through unimaginable pain and loss over a friend, dream, or opportunity - His grace is enough in your lack.

Christianity and Jesus Christ is not about you getting everything you ever wanted in this life, it is not that foolishness you get sold by prosperity preachers who emphasize the creation over the creator. The main tenant of Christianity is that in the lack, He is enough. Because our love, our desire, our zeal, our affection is not on what Jesus Christ can do for us materially, but what He has done on the cross in drawing us into his family. And that no matter what we go through on this earth, He is enough.

Whatever you face today, His grace is enough in your lack.

Blessings on your day,
