Stay In The Bible


God, in His providence, gave me something in my bible reading earlier this week that I didn’t know I would need until later in the week.

A steady diet of the Bible will provide you the spiritual nutrients you need to not fall into sin, or fly off the handle in doubt, or become overly bitter when you don’t get your way. If you wait until those moments to turn to the Bible and try to orient your heart, it is often too late.

So stay in the Word. What you read today may not impact you, but you may need it in a few days. God is gracious to give us His word and to speak to us in it. Many of our lethargic spiritual lives are owing to neglect of private time with God. I don’t say that to guilt or shame you, I know it is hard. But it is, after all, a discipline. And one that provides more benefits than we can see.

Have you fallen off your daily intake of bible reading and prayer? The only way to be obedient is to get back up and start again. Even 5 minutes a day can be life-giving. If you wait to read and pray until you “feel like it” or until “your affections are stirred to God” you will never spend time with God. In spending time with God, the affections are stirred. Duty transitions into delight if you are honest and vulnerable.

If I can pray for you on this journey, or you need some help. Please email me. I want to help you in anyway I can. I’ve linked a few articles related to bible reading below as well.

Fighting to be with God daily along with you,
