For Those Helping
God has given us such a gift in the words of the Bible. He’s given us language to explain and express the good and difficult states of our hearts. For those of you that are in a difficult spiritual state, remember the blessing of imagery. May we read our Bibles all the more! Consider using these words/images (and others!) to pray to God about what is going on in your life. Know that God, in His deep love for you, has given other people words to say, pictures to paint, and songs to sing that can be used to give you words and names for your difficulty.
I’ve known many pastors who have taught from a place of love. I’ve know very few pastors who I could say, loved me so deeply they gave me their self too. But for those who have loved me like that— I would follow them into any battle.
Your faithfulness in this season of waiting is just as powerful, meaningful, and precious to the Lord as what you do with the dreams, gifts, and platforms He gives you later. So prepare well.
People need pastors with informed minds and hearts that have been tendered by life.
Visiting people in the hospital is a necessary act of love for any pastor. It is also one of the most dreaded responsibilities due to its awkwardness, its gravity, and the unknown. Hospitals can be scary and intimidating places; how do we become better at hospital visits?
What if in our productivity addicted culture we confuse the potential blessing of the green pastures and the still waters with the valley of the shadow of death because we detest the stillness of waiting? What if God's green pasture for you was a season of waiting—Because thats the only place He could get you to stop and sit still? What if the season you needed to hear his sweet, tender voice was the quietness found in waiting? Everybody likes the idea of the still waters until you’re there- and you find that theres nothing to do but wait.
What makes a good friend? It’s a simple question with a million possible answers. If we can get to the bottom of what truly makes a good friend, it will surely help in equipping us to be just that for those we love. The process may sound simple, but simple does not mean easy. If you take a look at Jesus’s words on the matter, you will find that being a good friend will cost daily.
You're on your own journey. Don't compare. Seasons come and go. The Lord is faithful in them all. Work hard. Love well. He's at work even if you don't see Him.
Are you too dirty for church? Was Jesus too dirty for his religious culture?