Devotional Recommendations For 2022

I want to help equip you to live your Christian life well. Here’s a few devotionals for the new year to help stir your faith each day, if you enjoy devotionals. Every now and then someone asks for a recommendation, so here’s a few of my favorite that I’ve loved:

*Also, if you purchase one of these from the links below, Weapons of Grace will receive a few cents which will go towards paying for web-hosting services.

1- Morning and Evening: Charles Spurgeon

I’ve used Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening for years, every now and then picking it up off my shelf. I’m not sure Spurgeon can do any wrong in helping us get our eyes off of ourselves and onto God. If you have never gotten this, read no further and buy this one.

“If you want to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord, make your first and last encounter of each day time well spent with God. Get ready to experience the joy of knowing who you are in Christ, growing stronger in your faith, and loving God more.”

2- New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional by Paul david tripp

My parents bought this for me when I graduated college. Tripp writes for the weary, the broken, and the weak. This could be helpful for you if you’ve had a rough 2021 and need someone who writes with gentleness and care. I especially like his ability to help us think about common spiritual truths in fresh ways.

3- God's Wisdom for Navigating Life: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Book of Proverbs By Tim Keller

Though I’ve not read this one, I have extensively read Tim Keller and love everything I read. If you are wired a bit more philosophically or have a healthy dose of skepticism within you, you may benefit from this one.

4- (Free) YouVersion Bible Devotionals

If you’ve never used the Youversion Bible app , you can download it on your iPhone or Android. They have hundreds of free bible devotionals that you can follow along, as well as reading plans.

Regardless of if you use any of these or not, make the effort to pursue God through His word this coming year. I can say that it will, like no other, grow your faith. Do not give up my friends, He is for us.

