How Being Thankful Changes Us
Do you want to change sinful things in you? Practice thankfulness. Thankful people are content people. And content people are people at peace.
Spend Time With God
I suspect many of the spiritual issues in my life are owing to my lack of time spent with God in meaningful ways.
Don’t Idolize Productivity
Your relationship with God is more than your productivity at work and more than your productivity in your quiet times.
Morning Devotion | Don't Give Up Reading The Bible
You cannot have a vibrant Christian walk if you are not in the Bible.
Morning Devotion | Lessons From Leviticus RE: Sexual Ethics
A short devotional to strengthen your faith today.
What Rest Has To Do With Work
Living in a post-fall world means work will be consuming and difficult. But our gracious God, even as we grapple with the consequences of our sin (curse on work), has given us grace. The grace of rest.
God, The Lifter Of Our Head
When the days are hard, God is working things in your life to comfort you. He is the lifter of your head.
How To Be Thankful To God When You’re Not
We are not called to be thankful for everything. We are called to be thankful in everything.
Normal Sunday Scriptures | Does God Bless Mundane Bible Reading?
Not all growth is visible, stay disciplined in your daily Bible reading. It will pay dividends.
Books For Suffering Christians
Those suffering and those helping those who suffer need sherpas who have walked the terrain of grief, these books are those sherpas.